
by Damageplan

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 1:44 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


New Found Power

Song Author


Tabbed by

Kwonnie -


1st → Backup Vocals
2nd → Lead Vocals
3rd → Left Guitar
4th → Bass Guitar
5th → Right Guitar
6th → Center Guitar I
7th → Percussion
8th → Center Guitar II
9th → Center Guitar I (Effects)
10th → Extra Guitar
11th → Center Guitar II (Effects)

File Size

95 KB




I'm sic-kened I know I've been be-trayed But I keep ig-no-ring The war-ning signs You tell me That I'm not be-neath you But you act a-bove me Knives in my spine Now with all the mo-ney in the world You can't buy my re-spect Yeah, it's just a mat-ter of pride But that's all I've got left I reach up For your hand as you stand Loo-king down on me but You turn your back I be-lieved you Now e-very-thing that we had That I thought was sa-cred Has turned to black Now with all the mo-ney in the world You can't buy my re-spect Yeah, it's just a mat-ter of pride But that's all I've got left Now with all the mo-ney in the world You can't buy my re-spect Yeah, it's just a mat-ter of pride But that's all I've got left