
by Pulp

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:39 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



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1st → Intro Guitar
2nd → Guitar 2
3rd → Guitar 1
4th → Bass
5th → Rhythm Guitar
6th → Jarvis
7th → Synth

File Size

48 KB




Well it hap-pened years a-go When you lived on Stan-hope Road We lis-tened to your sis-ter When she came home from school Cause she was two years ol-der And she had boys in her room [We listened outside and heard her, alright] Well that was al-right for a while, But soon I wan-ted more. [I wanted to see as well as hear and so I,] I hid in-side her war-drobe. And she came home round four And she was with some kid called Da-vid From the ga-rage up the road [I lis-tened out-side, I heard her, alright.] Oh I want to take you home. I want to give you chil-dren. And you might be my girl-friend, Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah When I saw you next day I real-ly coul-dn't tell ['Cos you might go and tell your mo-ther.] And so you went with Neve Oh yeah Neve was co-ming on And I thought I heard you lau-ghing When his Mum and Dad were gone. [I lis-tened out-side, I heard you. Alright.] Oh I want to take you home. I want to give you chil-dren. And you might be my girl-friend, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Oh well I guess it couldn't last too long. I came home one day and all her things were gone, I fell a-sleep in-side, I ne-ver heard her come. Oh I o-pened up her war-drobe And I had to get it on. Yeah. [Oh, listen] Oh we were on the bed when you came home I heard you stop out-side the door. I know you won't be-lieve it's true, I on-ly went with her 'cos she looks like you, my God. Oh I want to take you home. I want to give you chil-dren. And you might be my girl-friend, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah