Bridges Will Burn

by Rise To Remain

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:45 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Bridges Will Burn (EP)

Song Author

Austin Dickinson

Tabbed by

Leon Machado & Fernando Sanchez (Drums)


1st → Guitar (Lead)
2nd → Guitar (Solo)
3rd → Guitar (Rhythm)
4th → Vocals
5th → Bass
6th → Drums will be delayed

File Size

90 KB




Hey everybody! This is my final tab of Bridges Will Burn. I really loved this song! Is so fucking awesome! Well, as promised, I add the drums, the bass and the vocals (mute, if u dont wanna hear). On the screams i just let "rests". I hope that u enjoy this tab and u can learn the amazing riffs and solo (I'm not quite sure about the shreds and sweeps). And don't forget to leave your comment! =)