
by Trivium

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:35 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Shogun (2008)

Song Author


Tabbed by

Guitars: Luke Slater, Bass & Drums: Sean Loseby & TROLL ( for the basic lyrics and a few drum corrections.


1st → Matt Heafy
2nd → Guitar 3
3rd → Corey Beaulieu
4th → Paolo Gregoletto
5th → Guitar 4
6th → Heafy Vocals
7th → Travis Smith
8th → Heafy Vocals

File Size

131 KB




Won't walk the Earth a spec-ter Won't hold my tongue from la-shing out This is my writ of hon-our Drawn by the blood that I have shed The beasts will soon as-sem-ble Con-joi-ning in their pu-trid flesh Their hearts don't beat de-si-re They pump vio-lence and poi-son Flesh o-pens up blood's re-trea-ting Flesh o-pens up blood's re-trea-ting Time will not heal all of your pain I can-not wait for it all to come cra-shing The mon-sters walk a-mong us (walk a-mong us) Lee-ching the blood out from what's good In-fec-ting at trans-mis-sion Swal-low-ing in-no-cence from life Our time has come to stand forth The wret-ched womb from which they feed Be-hold the loath-some de-mons Send them into the hell they made Flesh o-pens up blood's re-trea-ting Flesh o-pens up blood's re-trea-ting Time will not heal all of your pain I can-not wait for it all to come cra-shing Down on your face, rip-ping your veins out Your in-sides win and kill you from with-in


Thanks to Luke, i used his written guitar parts and made the bass and drums accordingly. Its hard to hear so its not 100% correct. But it fits well and sounds good :D TROLL ( kudos for some corrections on the drums. and for the basic vocals. [i added screams] Got a spare moment? check out Cheers.