
by Turisas

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 9:05 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Varngian Way (Director's Cut)

Song Author

Frank Farian, George Reyam, Fred Jay

Tabbed by



1st → Mathias Nyg�rd
2nd → Olli V�nsk�
3rd → Lisko 5
4th → Hannes Horma
5th → Jussi Wickstr�m
6th → Tude Lehtonen

File Size

92 KB




Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey There lived a cer-tain man in Ru-ssia long a-go He was big and strong, in his eyes a fla-ming glow Most peo-ple looked at him with te-rror and with fear But to Mos-cow chicks he was such a love-ly dear He could preach the bi-ble like a prea-cher Full of ec-sta-sy and fire But he al-so was the kind of tea-cher Wo-men would de-sire RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Lo-ver of the Ru-ssian queen There was a cat that rea-lly was gone RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Ru-ssia's great-est love ma-chine It was a shame how he ca-rried on He ruled the Ru-ssian land and never mind the tsar But the ka-sac-hok he danced rea-lly wun-der-bar In all a-ffairs of state he was the man to please But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze For the queen he was no whee-ler dea-ler Though she'd heard the things he'd done She be-lieved he was a ho-ly hea-ler Who would heal her son RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Lo-ver of the Ru-ssian queen There was a cat that rea-lly was gone RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Ru-ssia's great-est love ma-chine It was a shame how he ca-rried on But when he�s drin-king and lus-ting And hun-gers of po-wer be-came known to more and more peo-ple Their de-mands to do some-thing a-bout this out-rag-eous man Grew loud-er and loud-er Hey hey "This man's just got to go!" de-clared his en-e-mies But the la-dies begged "Don't you try to do it, please" No doubt this Ras-pu-tin had lots of hi-dden charms Though he was a brute they just fell in-to his arms Then one night some men of hi-gher stan-ding Set a trap, they're not to blame "Come to vi-sit us" they kept de-man-ding And he rea-lly came RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Lo-ver of the Ru-ssian queen They put some poi-son in-to his wine RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Ru-ssia's great-est love ma-chine He drank it all and said "I feel fine" RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Lo-ver of the Ru-ssian queen They did-n't quit, they wan-ted his head RA RA RAS-PU-TIN Ru-ssia's great-est love ma-chine And so they shot him till he was dead Waa-ou-yeah those Ru-ssians.