Westbound Sign

by Green Day

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:23 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Billie Joe Armstrong

File Size

46 KB




Boxed up all her fa-vorite things- Sold the rest at rai-ny day stale Big plans and lea-ving friends and A west-bound Sign Weighed out her choi-ces on a scale- Pre-vai-ling no-thing made sens Just trans-port-ta-tion and A blank de-ci-sion She's ta-king off Ta-king off Ta-king off Ta-king off No-time and no co-pping out- She's bur-ning day-light 'pe-trol Blacked out the rea-view mirror 'West-ward on Strung out on con-fu-sion road- And ten mi-nute ner-vous break-downs Xa-nex a beer for tought and she's De-ter-mined She's ta-king off Ta-king off Ta-king off Ta-king off Oh, is it sal-va-tion Or an es-cape from dis-con-tent? Will she find her name In the Ca-li-for-nia ce-ment? Punched out on the grind That punched her one too ma-ny imes Is tra-ge-dy two thou-sand miles a-way- She's ta-king off Al-right!