
by Stevie Ray Vaughan

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:27 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


In Step

Song Author

T. Schmedley, C. Layton, R. Wynans, B. Carter, & R.E. Ellsworth

Tabbed by

Rick Devone


1st → Guitar 1
2nd → Bass
3rd → Pianoards
4th → Percussion
5th → Vocals
6th → Sax
7th → Organ
8th → Horns

File Size

69 KB




Day by day, night af-ter night, blin-ded by the ne-on lights. Hur-ry here, hus-tle-in' there, no-one's got the time to spare. Mo-ney's tight, no-thin's free. Won't some-bo-dy come and res-cue me. I am stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. Stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. Tooth for tooth, eye for an eye, sell your soul just to buy, buy, buy. Beg-gin' a dol-lar, stea-lin' a dime. Come on, can't you see that I, I'm stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. I am stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. I need some kind of kind-ness, some kind of sym-pa-thy. Oh, no, we're stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. Save the strong. Lose the weak. Ne-ver tur-ning the o- ther cheek. Trust no-bo-dy. Don't be no fool. What-e-ver hap-pened to that Gol- den Rule? We got stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. We got stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. We got stran- ded. Caught in the cross-fire. Stran-ded. Caught in the cross-fire. Help me!