by The Who

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:58 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Pete Townshend

Tabbed by

Lee Werner


1st → Track 1
2nd → Track 2

File Size

17 KB




got a feelin twen-ty one is gon-na be a good year es-pecial-ly if you and me see it in to-geth-er so you think twen-ty one is gon-na be a good year might be good for me and her but you and her no nev-er i had no reas-on to be o-ver opt-im-is-tic but some-how when you smile i can brave bad wea-ther what a-bot the boy what a-bout the boy what a-bout the boy he saw it a-a-all you did-nt hear it you did-nt see it you wont say no-thin to no-one nev-er in your life, you nev-er heard it how ab-surd it all seems with-out an-y proof you did-nt hear it you did-nt see it you ne-ver heard it not a wordof it you won't say no-thing to no one ne-ver tell a soul what you know is the truth got a feelin twen-ty one is gon-na be a good year es-pecial-ly if you and me see it in to-geth-er got a feelin twen-ty one is gon-na be a good year es-pecial-ly if you and me see it in to-geth-er i had no reas-on to be o-ver opt-im-is-tic but some-how when you smile i can brave bad wea-ther